Bite Size Standards, a project that has taken up quite a lot of my time recently, has launched today! The project was initiated by John Oxton of Joshuaink fame. He assembled a cracking team and I was lucky enough to be chosen as CSS person. This involves making sure that the design shines in your web-browser, taking the cold html breathing life into it.
This meant those lucky people on the team all had to deal with me, so I ended up influencing a lot during the build. It’s been really fun to work with the whole team and it’s been particularly great to finally hash out some semantic and accessibility conundrums.
I’ll just leave you with a description of what Bite Size Standards is:
Bite Size Standards aims to offer concise web development tutorials, tips and tricks. Written by designers and developers who are passionate about web standards.
A slightly longer write-up of what we actually went through and why we did certain things will come later and can be found on my portfolio.
7 replies on “Bite Size Standards launches”
And a cracking great job you did too! Thank you 🙂
What you guys are doing is great but you kind of narrowed the scope of the project. May be that is intentional. I have no way of knowing it. In my humble opinion though, it would have been much more useful if it was bitesizecode instead of standards because code implies programming thus bits of php, asp, jsp, javascript or whatever code would have been the most indispensable of all.
I don’t see why we have narrowed the scope by using the word Standards, every technology has a standard, be it CSS, HTML, ASP, ECMAscript, Fireworks, Flash ActionScript, Photoshop, Textpattern, PNG, GIF, JPEG.
The word Standard was chosen to emphasis quality, not neccesarily ‘web standards’ but just things that work to a standard, prefrably a high one.
I look forward to your concise explanation of reason for using HTML 4.01/Strict on the site. I’ve noticed – over the last six months – numerous redesigns have gone from XHTML/Transitional to Strict as well as a few sites having “regressed” to HTML 4/Strict.
Nicely done.
Including this one Sean 🙂
It’s as much “regressed” as “getting ready” for HTML 5.
Mohodin : We’re not limiting ourselves to code, and besides, “standards” sounds better.
John and AkaXakA, I appear to have gotten you wrong. Somewhere in my mind, standard was equated with web standards. In other words, that was my first impression and I am not probably alone. yes John every technology has a standard and coding is no exception.
Thanks for the clarification.
Absolutely great job. Thx for this posted link, I didn’t know yet.