Now here’s a double Jason Brooks wallpaper feature! Well, not really a double feature like the Fierce Disco Angels double bill last year, when two completely distinct illustrations were featured. This time round, both wallpapers are based on the same Hed Kandi Nu Disco cover by illustrator Jason Brooks.
One is an aqua-coloured one, with half a models head telling you to get on with your work…

..whereas the other one is blue-coloured with the same models head telling you to get on with your work!

As has become a regular feature, there’s also an iPhone/mobile version available of both versions of the wallpaper! It really shows the detail in the illustration. Gorgeous eyes!
Download the aqua-coloured Nu Disco: Nu Disco Aqua 1600×1000 & Nu Disco Aqua iPhone4 (640×960)
Download the blue-coloured Nu Disco:
Nu Disco Blue 1600×1000 & Nu Disco Blue iPhone4 (640×960)