
Bugzilla Thoughts

Bug reporting is tricky. Bugs are problems in software where the software doesn’t work as it should. “It doesn’t work.” doesn’t get you anywhere with the developer of the software in question, so the key is to report exactly what happend and what should happen very clearly. Steven Frank (of Panic, Inc. software-makers) has made a list explaining what you should and shouldn’t do when reporting bugs. One of the things Frank specifically mentions as being good ways to convey bug reports are images and video.


Colourful crescendo

The artwork for Simon Jobling’s One Phat DJ August 2008 podcast: Colourful Crescendo. It’s a combination of Illustrator and Photoshop work misuse of filmgrain filters.


Inserting pages into category archives in wordpress

Wouldn’t it be handy if you could have a little story at the top of your archive pages (or other templates), explaining exactly what’s what? And wouldn’t it be handy if that little story was fully wysiwyg editable? I thought so.


Bye bye liquid layouts!

Yes, I am predicting the death of liquid layout of web pages. Not all mind you, some web apps will still be liquid, but for the rest of the web: liquid is dead. This is a natural next step after declaring elastic layouts dead, so no surprises here.