
Knowing when to stop he says

Splashy Fish is the site of Dat Nguyen. In his own words, It’s where his thoughts go to play — usually to end up in the form of blobby sketches.

And what marvellous sketches he produces! Take this one, “knowing when to stop” (that might just be the name of the post and not of the piece itself, but there’s no other name mentioned):

Acrylic 4×5 inches piece in black and white by Dat Nguyen

This was a 4’x5’ acrylic piece in mid-production—I try to document my work through its phases to study the thought process at a later time. It turns out that this was best it got before it went into its irreversible direction. Now it just stands to be gessoed over. It’s difficult to will a painting into the optimal direction because many strokes open new possibilities.
~ source: Splashy Fish

Now this piece might not be everyone’s taste, but I like it. It’s awesome.

4 replies on “Knowing when to stop he says”

I think the biggest surprise is that you actually read my minuscule vertical text–that kinda of thing is frown upon here on the internet 🙂

I’m glad you like the painting and good work on the reboot.

Haha, no problem in reading vertical text! What’s the painting called? Or doesn’t it have a name yet?

I could call it something cool like “The Windmill of the East” or “The Quiet Storm”, but unfortunately, it’s an untitled piece. Don’t you hate it when artist types do that?

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