Design Web

Candy: rebooted

I’ve finally gotten round to tweaking this site into shape. I’d already ditched the vertical bars, but the alignment still wasn’t right and the code was getting muddier and murkier. Seeing as how the spring 2006 CSS Reboot was just around the corner, I had a deadline: 1st of May 2006.

Notable changes are the general shifts in alignment (not just for improved flow, but also to give me more room for in-line images), the background and navigation bar colour shift (both are now slightly lighter) and boxes around the comments (just like noscope – I plead guilty!). I’ll have to redesign the comments once I enable gravatars too (instead of just favicons), but this will have to do for now.

Screenshot of “Candy 2” the 2006 incarnation of this website

New additions are Cameron Moll’s icon to my inspirations list (not that he’s a recent find, but up till now I didn’t have a good icon to work from), “latest comments” in the sidebar and a (slightly different one from on the main page) sidebar for the single-post pages (just click a title to get to them).

Funnily enough, the thing I’m most proud of is moving the previous/next page navigation on single-post pages to the sidebar. It’s a very little change, but I really feel they work a lot better there.

What do you think? (Oh and don’t forget to vote for me on the CSS Reboot site!)

6 replies on “Candy: rebooted”

I like! There’s just something about the site that makes it really smooth to read, which is only a good thing. If there is one thing, (and I’m nitpicking ;), the feed icon looks a bit garish next to it’s background. Perhaps a subtler colour?

As I said earlier, your site was a source of inspiration to me when I was rebooting.

Great to see the realignment retaining the beauty of the previous version 🙂

Thanks guys!

And Dan, well spotted – might take a bit to get round to fixing a new one I’m happy with though…

Wow! Your nav menu looks so much nicer now, plus the spacing is great. I think this background color makes text more readable–I used a similar background for a client’s site. Serif fonts are amazing with it!

Your reboot should have a _much_ higher score, but it seems gnats keep voting 1’s for everyone. How can there not be a 4 or 5 yet? Seriously, what’s wrong with these voters?

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